About Acre Technologies

Founded in 2005, Acre Technologies has an established track record in providing top tier customer service and solutions to our valued clients. Our engineers come from a wide range of backgrounds and I.T. skill sets, ensuring that we can tackle any I.T problem and come up with an appropriate solution that best fits our customer's needs.

Our Philosophy

At the core of Acre Technologies is the belief that our client's success will drive our own. Our greatest satisfaction comes from a job well done; when your business I.T. infrastructure is performing smoothly, when your technology works for you, when your website performs for your business.

To this end we strive to go above and beyond, in understanding how to best support your business, and in providing solutions that perform.

Read testimonials here from clients who feel we've done exactly that for their business.

Our Team

Nigel Rice


Nigel oversees the day to day running of our engineers. With over 25 years providing I.T. solutions for businesses across the globe, Nigel is passionate about providing clients with the right solution for them and has a broad knowledge of solutions available. He enjoys a wide range of activities with the family and loves the lifestyle that living in the Bay provides.

"I really enjoy working with our customers. I've met so many fascinating people and it’s been a pleasure to be involved in so many diverse businesses and institutions."

Sarah Rice


Sarah has a background in marketing and project management. She uses her skills to oversee the entire business and consult with clients as to how best to address their individual needs. Sarah can handle most client queries from new client enquiries to account and HR queries. She enjoys horsing around, is President of Otumoetai - Te Puna Pony Club and plays the cello in her spare time.

"We have a great wealth of talent in our team and our ethos to deliver great customer service leaves us feeling rewarded at the end of our working day."

Jeremy Jones

I.T Engineer

Jeremy has a wide knowledge of all things I.T, having worked with servers and workstations since leaving school over a decade ago. He enjoys the fact that his chosen industry is constantly being updated and that he is continually learning new things. In his spare time he spends even more time on computers than he does at work.

"Every day is a school day in this industry and I enjoy finding solutions that make my clients lives easier."

Chris Dowdney

I.T Engineer

After finishing his I.T. Diploma, Chris started working for Acre in a junior role. He quickly progressed to a full I.T engineer showing strong problem solving and analysis skills. His passion to listen and learn along with an equally strong enthusiasm to provide great service and jargon free explanations to clients have made him a favourite 'go to guy' for many of our clients.
Chris enjoys the great outdoors, He regularly skis Mt Ruapehu in winter and fishes the waters of the Coromandel in Summer.

Zian Yap

I.T Engineer

Zian completed a level 6 Diploma in System Administration, and now works at Acre full time having been promoted from a part time position.
He works well with a wide variety of customers due to his multicultural and age diverse background. He enjoys spending time on the stock market, tinkering with cars, or keeping himself fit at the gym.

Luke Gentil

IT Engineer

Profile Coming Soon

Brad Heath

Software Engineer

Brad Heath is a Software Engineer with a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Systems. From a young age he has always found programming to be an intriguing endeavour and often thought it was amazing how all software starts from a blank screen. This intrigue and fascination has led him to follow his passion.

Justine Boyd

Web Designer

Justine Boyd is a Front End Developer who builds and maintains stylish template websites and provides an attentive service to clients. With an Honours degree in Media Studies, Justine enjoys bringing balance and creativity to your digital presence. Currently spending most of her free time on a Masters of Criminology, Justine heads outdoors to hike and swim to relax and unwind.

“I love finding ways to make complicated things feel easy for my clients”

Charlene Kerr


Charlene is our administrator and book keeper. She works to ensure that our books are up to date and deals with any invoicing queries. She is a long time resident of Te Puna and has a background in management roles. Charlene is helpful and friendly and enjoys working with the team and our clients.

Contact us today

Our team are ready to help with whatever I.T. problem you may have. Don't hesitate to contact us today and let us help your business.